Our Features

We are always admired to providing the best features at the reasonable price. So, we are providing maximum features to our merchants at the lowest price of $0.99 per month. You must be guessing what features this plan will have. So here it is:

  1. Language and Country Selection:

  • Allows users to select their preferred language and country.

  • Offers a seamless way to switch between different languages and regions.

  1. Customizable Pop-up/Selector:

  • Features a customizable pop-up, selector, or floater that can be adjusted for different screen sizes.

  • Ensures that the selector integrates smoothly with the store’s design.

  1. Market Page Functionality:

  • Supports specific market page settings for different regions.

  • Enables store owners to set rules for global and regional stores.

  1. App Embed:

  • Supports app embedding, ensuring that the language and country selector is easily integrated into any Shopify store.

  1. Search Option:

  • Provides a search option within the country selector, making it easier for customers to find their country.

  1. Testing Guidelines:

  • Comes with detailed testing guidelines for store owners to ensure the app works perfectly with their Shopify store.

  1. User-Friendly Interface:

  • Designed with an intuitive interface that’s easy for both store owners and customers to use.

  1. Floating Selector:

  • The app provides a floating selector that can be positioned anywhere on the store's pages.

  • This selector remains visible as customers browse through the store, offering quick access to change their language, country, and currency without needing to navigate away from the current page.

  • The floating selector is highly customizable, allowing store owners to adjust its appearance, position, and functionality to match their store’s design and user experience.

  • Ensures a seamless and non-intrusive experience, enhancing customer satisfaction and convenience.

SO, why wait. Install our app and contact us for a free setup!

Last updated